Name: MF911 - Idol The Bloodsport Genre: Hip-Hop Release Date: 1993 Label: Next Plateau Producers: Anthony Singleton, Ced Gee, C. Chubb Group Members: Anthony Singleton, Cedric Chubb Format: mp3 Quality: 320 kbps (Спектр) Size: 116 Mb Duration: 00:49:21 Description: Mother Fгсking Emergency, Mega Force and 911 are the original suggested names given by Public Enemy’s Chuck D to the Detroit hip hop trio known as MF911. MF911 made up of Ant Live, Mainy Main, and Ced Rat are one of the first groups to put the “D” (Detroit, Michigan) on the map way before the Eminem and Jay Dilla era. Their 1993 debut album “Idol*The Bloodsport” was produced by Ced Gee from Ultramagnetic MC’s on Next Plateau Records. This album is considered a classic and MF 911 thrived on sounding original, hardcore and most importantly kicking lyrical metaphors!! |