Name: AppleJaxx - Back 2 The Future Genre: Southern Rap/Chrisitian Rap Release Date: 2009 Format: mp3 Quality: vbr Kbps Size: 79,73mb Duration: 00:58:42 Description: North Carolina Tracklist: 01. Back 2 The Future 02. Applejaxx (Feat. T. Bizzy and Danielle Harris) 03. 805 (Feat. Kimmie) 04. Dunkin’ 05. Hate 2 Stop (Feat. Tonex0 06. My Style 07. Stop and Go 08. Storm (Feat. Ashleigh Nickole) 09. Apple Dapple 10. Higher Voltage 11. Scurred 12. Fear Factor (Feat. Mr. Coldstone) 13. Lamp Mode (Feat. The Washington Projects) 14. Green As Luigi 15. CIA 16. Looking Ahead
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