AlbumsV.A. - Jazz Thing

9 January 2012
Author: MaGiS
Views: 3 036, Comments: 1
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V.A. - Jazz ThingName: V.A. - Jazz Thing
Genre: Jazz Hop
Release Date: 2006
Format: mp3
Quality: VBR Kbps
Size: 69mb
Duration: 00:49:26
Description: Великолепный сборник отменного джазз-хопа выпущеный в Японии.

1. Pete Philly & Perquisite - "Grateful" (album version)
2. Kev Brown - "Always"
3. DJ Jazzy Jeff - "For Da Love Of Da Game" (feat Baby Blak & Pauly Yamz)
4. Sound Providers - "For Old Time Sake" (feat. Asheru Of Unspoken Heard - street)
5. Jazz Liberatorz - "Force Be With You" (feat. T Love)
6. Kero One - "Check The Blueprints"
7. The Procussions - "Wegotta!"
8. Noel Zancanella - "Lovely"
9. Nicknack - "Soul Nourishment"
10. Jazz Liberatorz - "Loop Prisoner"
11. Sound Providers - "It's Gonna Bee" (part II - feat. Wee Bee Foolish)
12. Lone Catalysts - "Renaissance" (feat. All Natural)
#1 RAF43L 10 January 2012 10:25
спасибо smile


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