AlbumsGuilty Smiles – The Alice Game 2

4 October 2012
Author: Falk
Views: 4 399, Comments: 6
Guilty Smiles – The Alice Game 2Name: Guilty Smiles – The Alice Game 2
Genre: Underground Hip-Hop
Release Date: Sep 30, 2012
Producers: Guilty Smiles, Soul Theory, Hellzwind, Trilian, Pro P, Mir the Bloody, Daemon Beats, Vic Grimes
Label: Pig Latin Productions
Guests: Block McCloud, Morbid Complex, Cass Of b4n§after, Sean Strange, Trixx Bundy, Georgia, Frank White, Diabolic, Rayzel, Canibus, Past One, Ill Bill, Perseverance, King David Of Vendetta Kings, Bloodline Of Divine Kings, Jaygo, Kevy Boii, Perfect Disaster, Absyrd
Format: MP3
Quality: VBR V0
Size: 123 МБ
Duration: 01:15:52
Description: Новинка!


01. What's the Question? [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
02. Get Trashed (ft. Block McCloud & Morbid Complex) [Beat by Soul Theory]
03. Run Away (ft. Cass from b4n§after) [Beat by Hellzwind]
04. Letter to Nobody [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
05. Plea of Insanity (ft. Sean Strange & Trixx Bundy) [Beat by Guilty Smiles] - Cuts by DJ Madhandz
06. Don't Cry (ft. Georgia) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
07. Elevator Music (ft. Frank White) [Beat by Trilian]
08. I'm a Graverapper [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
09. Babylon the Great (ft. Diabolic & Rayzel) [Beat by Hellzwind]
10. Erased [Beat by Guilty Smiles] - Cuts by Madhandz
11. Necromancer Romantic (ft. Canibus) [Beat by Guilty Smiles] - Cuts by DJ White Shadow
12. Same Changes [The Alice Game 2] [Beat by Pro P]
13. Predictable (ft. Past One) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
14. Triumph (ft. Jaygo) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
15. Issues [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
16. E-Theory (ft. Ill Bill & Perseverance) [Beat by Guilty Smiles] - Cuts by DJ White Shadow
17. Lands [Beat by Mir the Bloody] - Cuts by Vinyldigger
18. Noble Acts (ft. King David of Vendetta Kings) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
19. Sacred Knowledge (ft. Bloodline of Divine Kings) [Beat by Daemon Beats]
20. Colored Glass (ft. Jaygo) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
21. I Know (ft. Rayzel & Kevy Boii) [Beat by Hellzwind]
22. The Glory (ft. Perfect Disaster) [Beat by Vic Grimes]
23. Dragon Warriors (ft. Absyrd) [Beat by Guilty Smiles]
#1 Falk 4 October 2012 09:36
Любителям андера качать без раздумий!!! i_music
#2 Penta 4 October 2012 19:32
Зацен бодрый, посмотрим что внутри...
#3 black ninja 4 October 2012 20:09
Спасибо ,надеюсь мощная тема.
#4 mc strike 4 October 2012 22:57
альбом охренителен просто)) i_music музыка замечательна)) i_music

3) Cypress Hill - Back in Black
2) Redzed - noise at a future
1) King Iso - Get Well Soon
2) Bloodywood - Rakshak
1) Bourbon Kings - XXX
2) Rammstein - Zeit
1) Three Days Grace - Explosions
2) Upon A Burning Body - Fury
1) Motionless In White - Scoring The End of the World
2) Worm Shepherd - Ritual Hymns
1) Lorna Shore - Pain Remains
#5 black ninja 5 October 2012 13:08
Да альбом просто сочный,мне вставило i_music
#6 mbutu 24 December 2012 18:32
тоже очень понравился альбом i_music

Аплоадерам всегда огромное спасибо!
Английский не знаю, не англоязычный рэп не слушаю.


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